Massage For Seattle Inc

Massage For Seattle Inc.  offers a "Swedish" style Massage therapy, Hot Stone therapy, Temple Style Lomi lomi, Sugar scrubs, body wraps, Sarga bodywork, and shirodhara. 

Wendell Dyck, LMT, is our relaxation specialist. His massage therapy draws from many modalities including Hawaiian LomiLomi, Ayurvedic, traditional Western as well as deep tissue techniques.

Privacy Policy

Massage For Seattle Inc. (MFS) is dedicated to excellence and integrity for the massage and bodywork profession. Our confidentiality and privacy practices are as follows:


Maintenance/Retention/Storage of Client Records

Hardcopy records will be maintained in a confidential manner when not in use by the practitioner. Client records will be stored for a period of three years (pursuant to WAC 246-830-570) from the date of the client’s most recent massage service at MFS. After three years the client records will be destroyed



MFS uses email in its regular course of business for general correspondence and scheduling. Emails are not maintained as an ongoing part of the client’s records unless they are specifically copied into the client’s file.

Client Rights

Clients may request, in writing, to see or obtain a copy of their records. The client may request that corrections be made if they identify errors or mistakes. Access to records will be made by appointment, within 30 days of receipt of written request. A fee may be charged for copying and sending requested records. Requested records are sent standard US mail unless the client requests they be sent via express mail (at client’s expense.)


Use of Client Records

Client records are for the sole use of MFS. No records or information will be released without the written authorization of the client except as follows: As compelled by law (such as a subpoena), Ancillary service providers such as bookkeepers, Square scheduling and bankcard services), or any other bankcard service providers may have access to: client names; financial transactions between the client and MFS; and related information to such transactions. MFS will only use vendors with appropriate non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements