Massage For Seattle Inc

Hawaiian Temple-Style Lomi Lomi

Temple Style LomiLomi $165 for approximately 90 minutes

Beginning and ending in a prayerful state, infused with the grace of Hawaiian dance and music, this massage experience will provide a safe and sacred space for the recipient. For a full description of the process please read the protocol at the bottom of the page.


Symbolically, it is a transformation or rebirth ritual. The massage itself is very satisfying, intuitively moving to find and meet the cravings of the body. The pace and flow varies, like waves on the beach, but the current of motion is continual, collecting and redistributing mana, or energy, over and over. The physical work is wonderful, one of the most blissful massages you can receive. And if you allow yourself to fall through the openings in the walls of your emotional and mental states, to go to that source that is dark and hidden, and yet the glowing place inside us where we sometimes touch the divine, but which is largely walled off  from our everyday existence, then Lomilomi can be transformational. I don’t know how it happens, and it is very humbling, but the work has allowed me to see tremendous and powerful changes happen on the table.

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Note about draping for Lomilomi

Traditionally, temple style lomilomi is performed with the recipient nude with minimal draping. The work can be modified to suit your comfort level


* (Since Lomilomi is an intuitive process, the times are close  approximations)

This protocol is merely to assist clients of Massage For Seattle, Inc. understand some of the protocols of the Temple Style Lomilomi that I practice. It is not intended as a explanation of the history or philosophy.
For a series of useful articles and bibliography of the subject, please visit the SacredBodywork site.

A Hawaiian Temple Bodywork session begins, ends, and is infused with ritual and prayer, setting the space as sacred, and calling in the support of the lineage of teachers and healers. Preparation for the recipient is simply being open to receive the work. There is nothing more to do. In temple style lomilomi this is assisted by means of rituals before and after the hands-on massage portion of the work. They are integral and essential to the healing process. It is intimate work. These rituals, the prayers, music, chant and symbolism are all essential safeguards and help to maintain the creation of sacred space. Sacred space provides for opening and surrender to trust and receiving the complete unconditional love of the practitioner. This spirit of Aloha and focused intent for the good of the recipient becomes the immanent manifestation of the love and grace of God. Emotions are released. Crying is not uncommon, nor is laughter. The physical sensations as the mana is raised and directed throughout the body, are intense and sometimes overwhelming, often more than we are accustomed to.

So allow plenty of time to process after your session ends. Emotional release is not a goal, but it is common. The only goal is to create and maintain a place of complete safety where you can release anything and everything that no longer serves you.


The recipient changes clothes and dons a sarong. The practitioner is also clothed in a sarong. The recipient stands near the table, eyes closed, focusing on thier own breath. The practitioner stands in front of the recipient, and begins by anointing his own hands with oils and praying. He then, without touching the physical body, begins the anointing process of the recipient by drawing his hands down, over and around the recipient from head to foot. This process is repeated, moving closer and closer to the recipient, until the lightly oiled fingertips make contact, stroking downward, like raindrops. Oils are then copiously applied to the practitioner's hands, and as the hands make full contact, the oil is applied to the exposed areas of the skin, acclimating the recipient to the practitioner's touch and the sensation of being richly bathed in nourishing oils. As the recipient focusus on their own breath and releasing what no longer serves them they may drop their sarong as the anointing continues with full strokes over almost the entire body. The sarong is re-draped over the shoulders and the recipient is guided to the table.

On the Table

There is not bottom sheet on the table for this style of lomilomi. The recipient lies down with the sarong covering them.  On the table, the practitioner reverently fans the sarong in wavelike motions, bringing it off the body and into the air. This, and the other ritual actiions help to bring the session out of Chronos and into vertical time, the Now. As the sarong settles back onto the recipient, it is folded inward until it makes a narrow drape for the recipient. For some recipients, this symbolic covering of the most vulnerable areas assists them to open to an experience that may be beyond their current capacity to trust.

Then, assisted by the music, and assisted by his own breath, the practitioner again and again delivers flowing and caressing strokes over and around the recipient like waves of the ocean. The practitioner moves intuitively, not performing a set routine. The complete focus of the practitioner is on the recipient’s highest good manifested as waves upon waves of unconditional love. It is inconceivably intense, overwhelmingly nurturing, the sense of perfection and well being is like nothing in ordinary experience.

Closing the Session

Because of the profound, intense experience of Lomilomi and because of the sacred space and boundless trust required, closing the session is as important as opening it. Allow plenty of time for your Lomilomi session. The rituals for closing the session are similar to those for opening it, but in reverse order, disengaging gradually,  replacing the drape and billowing it upward several times, allowing it to rest on the body as the recipient returns to ordinary reality, renewed, healed and refreshed.